Wednesday, June 18, 2008

May I Have Your Zip Code?

I went to the hobby store to buy some art supplies.

I hate hobby stores.

I live too far away from real art supply stores to buy art supplies from only art supply stores.

Hobby stores are full of junk and clerks that know nothing about art.

Someone is always in line ahead of you that wants to return everything they bought the day before.

I finally make to the check out counter the last time I went to a hobby store.

"May I have your zip code?"

"No, I don't give out any personal information."

"Let me explain...."

"No, I don't want to hear your explanation. I said no and that should be enough."

"Sir you don't understand..."

"I do understand, so you should just let me have my change so I can be on my way."

"Sir! You really don't understand!"

She handed me my change and I began walking away.

"Oh but I do understand, your company is too cheap to do marketing so you're rude to me at the check out counter!"

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