Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Into the Id

This is a zombie blog to me. I lost control of this blog. I was using a small town server and then the man who ran the server had a death in the family and he just stopped giving me means to write on this blog. I got mad at this little business and went to a big evil corporation (I really love big evil corporations but don't tell anybody) but then (I really shouldn't have used another but) I couldn't write on this blog. So I went back to the little server and asked for a week to recover my blogs.
The little server gave me a week (or so they said) and I got access to my blogs but (another but) I didn't make myself the administrator. So when I figured out I needed to do that the little server cut me off after three days. Not wanting to punch a man in the nose because of three blogs after he had a death in the family, I decided to let it go but (I just like using these sideways smiles and frowns) in my id a monster brews.

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